Yannis Karamitsios

The Future of Democracy...Yannis Karamitsios

Panel discussion on the book by Yannis Karamitsios 'Time for a European Federation'

Conference Alliance4Europe and book presentation “Time for a European Federation”

Debate on the refugees status in Europe - Condensed version

European Parliament elections 2024: Time to gear up! - Condensed Version

Debate on the refugees status in Europe

Navigating the EU Plant Health Regulation as GR collection holder in conservation and exchange of GR

European Parliament elections 2024: Time to gear up!

Hashtag / Βασίλης Σαρρηγιαννίδης / Γιάννης Καραμήτσιος

Alliance 4 Europe Conference “EU Immigration policy”

International Conference on Climate Change

German biz group says PH–EU ties 'very strong,' 2023 outlook 'better than expected'

Pharma Summit 2023 Frankfurt | Pharmaceutical Conference | Drug Delivery Meeting

Surgery Conference | Anesthesia Conference | 2023 Conferences | Zurich | Switzerland |

MIC 2023 | Multidisciplinary International Conference 2023 | 6-7 Mac 2023 | Call For Presenter